let's work for the children & youth - Yoga Book Written by Shri Surendraji
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  Yoga Book Written by Shri Surendraji
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A person is said to be healthy, if he is healthy physically, mentally, socially, & spiritually. Mere absence of physical diseases can't be considered as healthy.
--- W.H.O.

Really a healthy person is he who is physically, mentally & spiritually hale. Only the lack of diseases in the body is not the sole symbol of perfect healthiness.
This defination of W.H.O. regarding healthiness is quite worth pondering, which can be understood through this diagram:

Perfect healthiness

Physical Mental Spiritual

It is endeavoured in this booklet to define various scientific methods to analyse these three basic elements.

To make life dynamic & to fulfill worldly affairs, physical health is inevitable. Our body is invaluable asset bestowed by God. Our physical & mental health is decided by our mode of living, dietary habits & style of living. It is our duty to look after our body properly & evade probable diseases.But if diseases have got entry, recoup your health by controlling your mode of living.There is a proverb in english" Prevention is better than cure ," it means to maintain precaution is better than cure. Keeping these facts in mind, we can prevent probable diseases by regularly following certain Asans (Yoga postures ) & due to any reason if ill health has resulted, diseases will disappear gradually & health would be attained again. Hereunder there is a description about some important Aasans which may be considered an essential part of our life & by undergoing these exercises regularly, body always remains healthy & energatic.

Pay attention before doing Aasans:
-- Do Aasans empty - bellied.
-- Morning time is considered the most suitable. If you practise during day time, genarally do them 5 hours after meals & 2 hours after breakfast.
-- It is excellent to practise Aasans in a garden full of greenary. If you practise in a room, open out windows & let fresh air come in.
-- If you suffer from high B.P.,waist pain, neck pain, don't do Aasans which are done by bending body forward.

Exercise depending on hands :
Mode of practice :-
1. Keep both your hands straight in front of your shoulder, palms should be towards land & fingers should be spread out. Bend the pores of fingers with pressure & close down fist forcefully. Then open out fingers & practise this again 10 times.
2. By pressing fingers with thumb turn it into a fist & put pressure on it & open out fingers again. Practise this 10 times.
3. Keep both the fists closed, thumbs should be inside the fist & by keeping parallel to the shoulder, revolve both the fist in a circular motion consecutively. Practise this in a clockwise & anti clockwise motion 10 times.
4. By bending both your elbows, keep the tips of fingers on the shoulder. By joining elbows in the front part of your chest, revolve them in a circular motion. Practise this clockwise & anticlockwise 10 times.

Benefits :- Patients of pain in joints, aarthritis, curvical spondalitis, heart diseases, frozen shoulder derive benefit from this exercise.

Vajrasan :
Mode of practice :- By bending both your legs behind & by bending your knees, sit in the middle of two hells.The toes of both the legs should be quite nearer. In the front both the knees should be quite nearer to each other.The spinal cord should remain straight & hands should be on knees.

Benefits : Invigorates power of digestion. Gaseous troubles, diseases pertaining to waist & knees are removed.
Special instruction :- This Asan can be performed either before meals & even after meals. The rest of Asans are performed empty-bellied.

Yog mudra :
Mode of practice :- By sitting in the posture of Vajrasan or Sukhasan, both the hands should be brought behind the waist. Hold the wrist of the right hand with the left hand.Exhale as much as you can. Bend forward & touch land with your chin & while you rise up inhale as much as you can.Repeat it thrice.

Benefits :- The flow of insulin increases & checks diabetes, gas, indigestion & removes constipation.

Ustrasan :-
Mode of practice :-Sit in the posture of Vajrasan & then get up with the help of knees. Keep some space between both the knees & heels.Keep both the hands on the waist in such a way so that fingers temain towards belly and the thumbs remain towards the waist. Now, slowly bend waist, back & neck backward, hold both heels with both the hands carefully. Inhale & exhale in the natural course. Return to the original posture after some time.

Benefits:- Ustrasan is beneficial in the diseases pertaining to chest, lungs & heart. It removes obesity of belly & waist .It brings flexibility in the spinal cord.It removes stomach ailments. Invigorates digestion. It strengthens knees, thighs, muscles, waist, back & neck.

Gomukhasan :
Mode of practice :- bend left leg from knee & keep heel under right buttock.Now bend right leg from knee & put it on the bent left leg in such a way that right & left knees overlap each other.The pawn of right leg & toe will remain nearer to left buttock.Now bring the right hand above the right shoulder towards the back & bring the left hand from left retin towards the back & catch both the hands with the help of fingers of each other.Keep the head straight, eyes should be in the front. Inhale & exhale in the natural course. Repeat this Asan by interchanging hands & feet.

Benefits :- By this Asan, back & neck pain are eradicated. Veins of hands become flexible. Chest is also benefitted. It is advantageous for diabetes, high & low B.P. & hernia.

Exercise for eyes :
Mode of practice :-
--Press eyes completely & relax after loosening them.
--Rest after moving eyes leftward & rightward.
--Rest after moving eyes upward & downward.
--Rest after moving left eye upward & right eye downward.
--Rest after moving right eye upward & left eye downward.
--Rest after moving eyes clockwise & anticlockwise.

Exercise for neck :
Mode of practice :- Slowly move the neck clockwise & anticlockwise in a circular motion 10 times & rest closing your eyes.

Shavasan :
Mode of practice :- Lie down on the back & keep both the legs at a little distance from each other. Keep both the hands in both the retins keeping them at a little distance from the body. Keep palms skywards, keeping fingers bent normally, close the eyes lightly, loosen every part of body. Mind should be in the state of thoughtlessness & free from mental tensions. Through your internal eyes watch different parts of your body & experience that those limbs have become relaxed & are heading towards immunity. Do internal sojourn from the pawn of legs upto head & vice-versa.

Benefits :- Body & mind get complete rest. Fatigue vanishes. This is very beneficial in the diseases pertaining to brain, heart, high B.P., tensions & distraction.Body becomes light, energetic & buoyant. This Aasan is very important for boy & girl students.

Laughing aloud :- With full vigour & with delightful mood, by raising hands upwards laugh loudly for a minute.

Are you passing through the under mentioned symptoms ?
- Distraction, tensions, gloominess & worry.
- Decrease in the power of thinking
- The spread of the power of creativity becomes below normal.
If you are passing through these symptoms, don't feel disheartened. You have come to the proper place. You are welcome in this gymnasium of mind. As we go to the gymnasium to keep our body healthy & flexible, we have to go to the gymnasium dealing with mind to keep our mind healthy & buoyant.

What is mind ?

In the language of computer brain is hardware & mind is software. Brain is a part of body. It is possible to see & touch it. But one can't see mind nor can he touch it.But it influences the whole body.

Kinds of mind :

Mind is believed to be of two types. As a coin has two sides, mind is also of two types. One is conscious mind & the another is sub-conscious mind. When we are awake, the conscious mind works.But the sub-conscious mind remains operative for 24 hours. In reality, the sub-conscious mind is the bestower of happiness, prosperity & fulfillment of desired things.

If a piece of ice is dropped in water, 90 % of its part remains in water & the rest 10 % remains above water. 90 % of the total mind is occupied by sub-conscious mind & 10 % by conscious mind.

What the conscious mind does :-

- To think.
- To think logically.
- To usurp the opportunity when it arises.
- To decide &
- To desire.

The power & workings of sub-conscious mind:

- Store of memory.
- Telepathy.
- Store of knowledge.
- To create an opportunity.
- Immunity.
- Mental clock.
- Magnetic power.
- Solutions of problems.

How does the sub-conscious mind work ?

Sub-conscious mind is in itself an entity. But it does not know what type of thoughts it absorbs in the mind of a person. Thus sub-conscious mind can't seperate positive & negative thoughts but as it absorbs ideas, thinking them proper it begins to give result accordingly. So the personality of a person is conjoined with his mode of thinkings. This can be understood through this diagram :

We at first ingrain thoughts in our mind & take action accordinglywhich gradually becomes a habit & then character is formed & ultimately on the basis of these ingrained thoughts, destiny appears before us. Regarding this phenomina, well known psychologist Allen says,

" As a man thinks in his sub-conscious mind, so is he "
- Allen
It means that the mode of thinking of a person moulds his personality. As a baloon needs helium gas to rise upwards over the sky & its color & external constituents don't matter. In the same way, the flight of a person can be gauged by the chain of thoughts arising constantly in him.
Thoughts are mainly of two types - positive & negative. Positive thinking always leads towards brilliance & negative thinking always leads towards darkness. So it is our duty to do deep thinking to decide which course of life we want to adopt.
Our sub-conscious mind absorbs the thoughts in two ways. The first is to do self thinking which is known as Auto-suggestion. The second is the thoughts acquired through external surroundings. So it is said that one should always try to speak & to hear pleasantly because sub-conscious mind does not differentiate between good & evil thoughts.

Mental programming :-
As much importance is given to computer programming in information technology, in the same way human capability, dynamism & for achievement of result the base of mental programming is quiet important.
The essential things needed for programming are as under :
--- Operating system :- For computer programming, operating system is very essential as are DOS, Windows. If we want to do some programming in sub-conscious mind, there also operating system is needed which is called " Burning desire ".
--- As electricity is inevitable for computer, in the same way for mental programming " Faith in goal " is essential.
--- As computer virus destroys computer system, in the same way in sub-conscious mind " doubt " destroys the whole programming & we never attain our goal. Hence if we want to achieve an important aim in our life, that aim should be programmed in the sub-conscious mind.
In sub-conscious mind,there are certain prior conditions which should be kept in mind while programming.

* Forgive all without any condition.
* Love all without any condition.
Anger, fear, attachment, envy, intolerance & despair are impedimends in the attainment of goal. So we should always try to make positive thinking the part of our life.

What is goal ?

Desires of mankind are varied. Some desire to be rich & some want to achieve status in society. Some want to make social service the part of their lives. All these people run after the attainment of their respective goals. If the goal is definite, it is to be entered in the sub-conscious mind that is to be programmed. Everyday in the morning, at noon, & in the evening, sitting at a quiet place after relaxation exercise, one has to visualise the pre-decided goal & during visualisation one has to experience it. If this exercise is done constantlyfor 21 days at the minimum, the sub-conscious mind begins to work towards the attainment of goal. In the condition of relaxation, mind remains semi-conscious. During this state, nearly 7-14 electric waves per second come out of our brain.

How our goal should be ?

Goal should be SMART :
S- specific
A- Achievable
R- Realistic
T- Time bound

5 " D " Concept in goal setting :

For the attainment of any goal, these 5 maxims play an important part ;
Discipline &

The art of reading swiftly:

In reality, reading of books swiftly is considered extremely essential for students. By this, along with the sparing of time, the material read is swiftly imbibed in mind.
In order to make reading speed swifter, the following instructions are worth pondering over :
1. Expand the sphere of concentration.
2. Let the speed of eyes proceed without a break.
3. Don't repeat the words previously read.
4. Give up the habit of moving lips.
5. Don't read aloud.
6. The speed of reading decreases by reading words after hearing them.
7. Don't read by moving fingers & head.

The speed of reading depends on our motive of doing so ;

* For grasping the subject matter, slow, attentive & repeated reading are essential.
* We can read swiftly for getting the cursory knowledge of the book.
* If we want to read for the purpose of revision, reading swiftly is better.
* For research based study, slow reading is considered more effective.
* If we want to read for entertainment, we can read swiftly.

Psychosomatic theory :- The theory which clarifies the relation between body & mind is psychosomatic theory. According to this, if the mind is diseased, the body is also diseased. High B.P., Hypertension, Diabetes & Ulcer such common diseases among present day generation, are all fundamentally related to mind. Nowadays, doctors before prescribing medicine to such diseased person have to make thorough investigation about their mental state.
Chemical changes in body occur according to thoughts imbibed by our mind. If a person has positive thoughts & always remains pleasant, chemical changes of the same kind occur in his mind & diseased person gradually recovers. All these are the workings of the sub-conscious mind. Incurable diseases have been found recovered through the sub-conscious mind.

Substitution theory :- If there is dirty water in a vessel, science has established a principle that dirty water may be removed & clean water may be substituted. This theory is known as substitution theory. According to this theory, in the vessel containing dirty water, clean water will have to be poured constantly. Gradually the dirty water will flow out & clean water remains. This theory applies to our mind also. Many negative thoughts have their abode in our mind & they make us physically & mentally weak. In this condition, we shall have to fill our sub-conscious mind with positive thinking. A day will come when our mind will be full of positive & constructive thoughts. We shall always think good of others. We shall feel a beautiful smiling flower of rose in the garden of our heart.

How to develop positive attitude ?

At present, the whole world needs such a person who entertains positive way of thinkings. People of towering character, honest, possessing moral values & having positive way of looking at things-such total quality persons are able to lead the world towards the proper direction. People with positive bentof mind are polite, self confident & always think about others. While the people with the negative bent of mind are always opponents of change. Their mode of thinking always leads towards darkness. Now let us know how positive attitude can be developed :
-- Changing the focus :
-- Give up the habit of procrastination :- " Utistha jagrata prapya varannibodhata " (Awake,arise & achieve your goal ) - means till you attain your goal, constantly remain endeavouring. In this way, some saint's noble notions can bring about a solid change in life as ,

" Utha jaga mushafir bhora bhai, aba raina kahan tu sowata hai !
Jo sowata hai so khowat hai, jo jagata hai so pawata hai !!
Jo kala karna so aja karle, jo aja karna so abhi karle !
Jaba chidiana ne chuga kheta liya, phira pachhataya kya howata hai !!

-- Be a trully educated person :-
" Universities are turning out highly skilled barbarians because we don't provide a framework of values to young people, who more & more are searching for it. "
- Steven Muller,
President, John Hopkins University

Really speaking, we are turning out useless & uncivilised person constantly because we don't give them value based education. In the real sense, the educated person is he who is well equipped with value based education along with education straining out mental faculties. In this context the ex - prime minister of England Winston Churchill's sentiments need mention,

" The first duty of a university is to teach wisdom,not trade; character, not technicalities. "
- Winston Churchill

-- Keep away from bad influences :

What is Success ?

" Success does not mean absence of failures, it means the attainment of ultimate objectives. It means winning the war, not every battle. "
- Edwin C. Bliss
In the real sense, to achieve success is not to win over trifle conflicts, but it is the ultimate goal to win the whole war. Attainment of pre - decided goal is success.

" Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy goal. "
- Earl Nightingale
While heading towards success one has to face many struggles. Struggle is an inevitable part of our life. In reality, the legend of every success is also the legend of every failure. If we peep into the life of Abraham Lincon, we shall come accross many failures in his life. Our success is dependent on how we stabilize & mould ourselves under all circumstances.

Qualities that lead a person towards success :

- Burning desire
- Constant endeavour
- Carrying out of responsibility
- Good character &
- Habit of constant learning

Develop a high self - esteem :

The height of self - esteem only can be achieved if we do something for them from whom we are not going to gain anything in return. Nowadays, people suffering from phychiatic problems are advised to do good of others everyday. Through this, their self - esteem will be increased & ultimately a person gets freedom from diseases.

Difference between a person with high self - esteem & weak self - esteem :
High Weak
- Searches solutions of problems - Talks about people
- Politeness - Vanity
- Always think of others - Always criticizes
- Stable - Excited
- Have deep faith - Flatter
- Always discuss - Always argue
- Internally motivated - Influenced by outer atmosphere
- Respects everyone - Always tries to run down others

Practical approach :

MInd conditioning :- Once Newton who is called the father of classical physics was asked to solve a mathematical problem. Many mathematicians of Britain took months to solve it. A mathematical formula was to be established which could solve the shape of the curve of a thread hung from above. He sat in his room from morning till night with stable mind. He not only defined the formula but also developed differential calculas & applied it. This happened on account of mind conditioning. Hereunder are given some number exercises which are considered influencing conditioning of our mind. Softly close your eyes & go on exercising in your mind.

Up by 1: 1,2,3,4......100 Down by 1: 100,99,98,97......1
Up by 4: 4,8,12,16.....100 Down by 4: 100,96,92,88......4
Up by 9: 9,18,27,36....99 Down by9: 99,90,81,72......9
Up by 2,3: 2-3,4-6,6-9.........66-99 Downby 2,3: 66-99,64-96,62-93.....2-3

Up by 3,5: 3-5, 6-10, 9-15......60-100 Down by 3,5: 60-100, 57-95, 54-90........3-5
Up by 8,3: 8-3, 16-6,24-9..........96-36 Down by 8,3: 96-36, 88-33, 80-30........8-3

Up by 2 down by 3: 2-99,4-96, 6-93.......66-3
Down by 7 up by 6 : 98-6, 91-12 ,84-18......7-86

UP by 2,3,4 : 2-3-4, 4-6-8, 6-9-12........48-72-96
UP by 9,5,3: 9-5-3, 18-10-6, 27-15-9........99-55-33

Down by 2,4,3: 100-100-99, 98-96-96........52-4-27
Down by 3,2,3: 100-100-99, 97-98-96......1-34-0

Visualisation concept :
" The debt we owe to the play of imagination is incalculable. "
- Carl Jung, Psychologist
In reality, keeping our eyes closed & to visualize things through inner eyes is considered very important from the point of view of mental health. While imagining in mind two factors are to be kept in view :

-- Vision should be quite clear & animate
-- We should develop the power of stabilizing the image for a longer time.
All this will be possible through constant endeavour. Our mind understands the language of images so we should always exercise creative imagination through the medium of images. The great scientist, whatever invention they wanted to make, firstly visualised " final outcome " in their mind & constantly imagined about it. In reality, the power of imagination possesses miraculous capability.Through this, the spoilt relations can be re-established. A person can be made free from many vices.

" Imagination is more important than knowledge."
-- Albert Einsten, Physicist

Really, what the famous scientist Albert Einsten said is completely true. He said that power of imagination is more important than knowledge. For the exercise of this, some important things ought to be kept in view which are given below;
* Firstly bring the body under complete relaxation & try to experience the imaged thing through 5 senses ( hear, see, smell, taste & sense ).
* Try to make images lively & colourful.
For example, if you imagine about a lemon, in the state of relaxation, see the lemon with your inner eyes & smell it & experience it's solidity through touch & experience the same taste as we get by squeezing it & putting it's juice in our mouth & try to hear the sound that we get by putting it on a vessel.
For exercise, here are some examples ;
- 5 types of fruits :- Banana, orange, lemon..........
- 5 types of flowers :- Rose, champa, night queen..........
Over & above these, you can increase your power of imagination according to your liking.


To awaken the power of vitality ( pran ), Pranayama should be regularly exercised. A great saint Patanjali, through the description of Asthangayoga, has expressed the importance of Pranayam. For the developement of expansion & depth of consciousness, Pranayam is quite important. Because of its direct relation with mind, to remove the different diseases related to mind need regular exercise of Pranayam.

Pay attention while performing Pranayam :

- Keep the waist straight, close the eyes & maintain happy mood.
- Think that we are pleasant, are becoming healthy & all the physical & mental deteriorations & are giving way.
- Practise Pranayam 5 hours after meal & 2 hours after breakfast. The purpose is that at the time of practicing Pranayam the digestive system should not continue to work.
- People suffering from high B.P. & heart diseases should practice Bhastrika, Kapal Bhati & Anulom Vilom Pranayam with slow motion.
- Patient suffering from Curvical Spondalitis should not bend themselves forward while performing any exercise.

Pranayam for exercise :

-Utter ú (om) 5 times :
-Bhramari Pranayama :

Mode of practice :- Put the first finger of both the hands on the forehead. The rest 3 fingers should be put on eyes softly. Close the layer of ears with both the thumbs. Fill lungs with breath & exhale with the murmuring of a butterfly till belly & back do not come quite nearer.

Benefits :- Instability of mind is removed & it's beneficial for mental tensions, excitement, high B. P. & heart ailments. Power of rememberance & concentration are increased.

Anulom Vilom Pranayama :

Mode of practice :- Sit in the posture of Siddhasan, Sukhasan or Padmasan. Bend the elbow of left hand & put the small & third finger on the right nostril. The first & second finger should be on the forehead. Thumb should be on the left nostril. Remove the thumb & breathe in with left nostril & exhale with right nostril & then breathe in with the right nostril & exhale with the left. Count 1-2-3-4 & practise this Pranayam & increase the speed slowly.

Benefits :- We free ourselves from the diseases like cold, cough, allergy, breathing diseases, asthma, thyroid & tonsils. Through this Pranayam, the mouth of Sushumna vein is opened out.

- Bhastrika Pranayam :

Mode of practice :- Sit in the posture of Sukhasan or Siddhasan & fill the lungs with deep breathing. Then breathe should be given out slowly through nostrils. At the time of exhaling press belly inside. This practice should be done gradually with a medium speed. Person suffering from heart diseases & high B.P. should practice it according to their physical capabilities.

Benefits :- Cures diseases pertaining to phlegm, windies, & bile ( kafa, vata & pitta ). The mouth of Susumna veins are opened out. It is beneficial for the diseases like diabetes, nose & chest pain, asthma & T.B.

- Kapal Bhati Pranayam :

Mode of practice :- Put both hands on your knees. Breathe out speedily through nostrils. When you breathe out speedily, belly will go inside at its own. Don't try to fill breathe inside.

Benefits :- Awe on the face. It is beneficial for the diseases like Asthma, breathing, obesity, diabetes, constipation, acidity & kidney ailments.

Utkarsha Dhyan ( supreme meditation ) :

Mode of practice :-
- Just after Pranayam sit in the posture of Siddhasan.
- Both the hands should be in the posture of Gyan Mudra.
- Never try to do anything with body & mind when you are in the meditation posture. Sit only in the natural posture. Generally, not to do anything is considered Dhyan.
- Many thoughts may arise in our mind, let them come but look at them as a witness without any attachment. Don't entangle yourself with them. You have risen yourself above attachment & envy. Experience only the internal bliss & gradually thoughts will decrease.
- Sit in the same posture at least for 30 minutes.If body aches, let it happen but sit still at least for 30 minutes & enjoy meditation.
- This posture of meditation gives us the experience beyond knowledge, emotions & senses. Hence it is called " Utkarsha Dhyan ".


Who am I ? Who am I ?- Who calls that these are my hands, my legs, my eyes & my body. Is this body called " I " ? If it is so, after the death of this body, does there remain the existence of one who says " this body is mine " ? In reality, this element is called soul. Till this consciousness is wrapped under the curtain of ignorance, it is called " Jeev " (…è± ) Mahamati Shri Prannath ji, who was a great thinker, social reformer & the dreamer of the universal religion & brotherhood of the 19th century, has said the following about soul, " Jeev tali hosi Atam "-(…è± ÅHè ãæï¨è ¥æ„}æ) means, when the curtain of ignorance is removed, the real experience of soul is attained. Not only this but he gave us the maxims like " Sukha Sital Karu Sansar "- (¨é¶ ¨è„H ÜUM¢ ¨¢¨æÚ) meaning, " I will bring happiness & solace to this world ". Through the heart appealing maxims " Pahale Aap Pehechhano "- (ÐïãïHï ¥æÐ Ðãï™æÝæï) means, " Know Thyself first ", he asked people to leave aside external hypocracy & try to know what is our real acquaintance. He gave more importance to internal purity than physical purity, which can be clarified through this couplet " Andar Nahin Nirmal, Pher Pher Nahawe Bahar ".(¥¢ÎÚ Ýæãè¢ çÝÚ}æH, ÈïUÚ ÈïUÚ Ýãæ±ï ÏææãïÚ) Hence experiencing the consciousness, which is away from senses, mind, intellect, vanity & overlooking the prevalent religious & sectarian beliefs & embracing God who is the embodiment of truth, supreme consciousness & bliss : Sat Chit - Ananda (¨„ì-ç™Îì-¥æÝ¢Î) is considered the real spirituality.
For global mankind, the contribution of Mahamati Prannathji is enormous.
He, by leaving aside the narrow casteist & communal ideology, has traced on the spread of love all over the world. A couplet flowing from his gracious mouth corroborates this fact ;

( Brahman Kahe Ham Uttam, Musalmaan Kahe Ham Paak;
Dou Mutthi Ek Thaur Ki, Ek Raakh Dooji Khaak .)

In this way, for the establishment of world religion, he has expressed his feelings in a heart appealing couplet ;
( Jude Jude Naamen Gaavahin, Jude Jude Bhesh Anek:
Jin Koi Jhagado Aapmen, Dhani Sabonka Ek. )

In fact, the omnipotent God is one. But people call Him variously. Mahamati Prannathji has tried to unite together the people fighting among themselves in the name of religion.
Not only this, through the heart appealing couplet,

" Chhodke Bair Mile Sab Pyaarson, Bhayaa Sakalmen Jai Jaikar, "
he has invoked the whole human race to give up jealousy & expand fellow feeling & affectionate dealing.
Satarising on the custom of untouchability spread in Indian society, he asked the society- " between a low-born indivisual with a holy conduct & pure heart, & a Brahmin who never remembers God & is of vicious conduct; who is untouchable ?
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